rjaros / kvision

Object oriented web framework for Kotlin/JS
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FIXED: Error "ReferenceError: ace is not defined" in React ACE editor sample on the KVision docs #448

Closed tfonrouge closed 1 year ago

tfonrouge commented 1 year ago

After importing the dependencies on the build.gradle.kts file and following the indication on the docs:

class App : Application() {
    init {
        require("ace-builds/webpack-resolver") // required since webpack 5
    // ...

I was getting the error "ReferenceError: ace is not defined" on the console. After a little search for the error on the github's package for a solution the following fixed the issue on KVision (https://github.com/securingsincity/react-ace/issues/1233):

class App : Application() {
    init {
        require("ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace") // required to fix "ReferenceError: ace is not defined" error
        require("ace-builds/webpack-resolver") // required since webpack 5
    // ...

Maybe the KVision docs need to be updated.

rjaros commented 1 year ago

I've re-checked all the react code in the guide and fixed some incompatibilities with the current kotlin-react. But I couldn't reproduce your issue with ace reference. My example project works fine without any additional require calls. Perhaps you have more complex project setup or some other conflicting dependencies.

tfonrouge commented 1 year ago

I'll try to write a small, concise sample, may be I've something conflicting in my dependencies.

tfonrouge commented 1 year ago

Hello, I've build with the current KVision plugin a small project showing the problem that I see in my configuration (IntelliJ Idea on Linux), don't know what can be the problem. But if I declare the 'require("ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace")' it runs ok

Screenshot from 2022-11-07 16-48-39

The project is at: https://github.com/tfonrouge/KVision-react-test.git

Thanks in advance for your support !

rjaros commented 1 year ago

It's a problem with initialization and imports order. To fix your case you can just remove require calls in the Application init block (even require("ace-builds/webpack-resolver") line, as it doesn't seem to be required any more). You can even remove ace-builds dependency from your project. In case you need ace-builds for other reasons, just add require("react-ace") as the first line to fix the order of imports.

rjaros commented 1 year ago

This is probably what you need for your configuration of Ace editor:

    init {
tfonrouge commented 1 year ago

Yes, seems like a problem with the order of the imports, the require("ace-builds/webpack-resolver") needs to be just after the require("react-ace").

After removing the 'setOptions' and his related require's , the ace-editor works just with this:

val AceEditor: ComponentClass<ReactAceProps>
    get() {
        val result = require("react-ace").default
        return result

I'll close the issue with this.

Thank you for your support !
