[x] Implement FRQ1 in Spring project, use Spring Portfolio mvc/calendar for starter code
[x] Enhance APCalendar.java to provide interesting facts on years, be creative and enhance/finish provided methods. For instance, use a random number or date to complete APCalendar day-of-week method.
Finds famous people's birthdays for a provided day & all unimplented methods from FRQ were completed w/ first day of 1970
[x] Enhance APIs and @RESTController to work with the all POJOs and APCalendar.
dayInfo, yearInfo, and leapYears endpoints to access all methods in the APCalendar
[x] Test APIs with Browser, Curl, or Postman. Illustrate or show tangibles.
[x] Test and use VSCode Debugger in development. Illustrate or show tangibles.