rjawesome / CSASpringTri2

Provides a system to learn via flashcards, and statistics for what terms you understand better.
MIT License
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Final Team Review Ticket #39

Open nicm2 opened 1 year ago

nicm2 commented 1 year ago

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Project Details

Individual/Group Work Group Member Accomplishments Runtime Individual Ticket Peer Review Grade
Rohan J. 1. MC Quiz based on flashcards: backend generates MC quiz based on a flashcard set, take MC quiz on frontend issue, 2. statistics for individual user and for each flashcard set pulling from backend and displaying on frontend MC Quiz, Stats (with Andrew) Review Ticket 19/20
Nicolas M. 1. Frontend design and styling with SCSS, formatting html pages, and github pages theme, 2. Backend for search and filter system with frontend communication and display of table linking to mc quiz and flashcard with public feature for flashcards, issue Search, Home/Styling Review Ticket 18.5/20
Andrew M. 1. Create flashcard sets: Backend stores flashcards sets, frontend displays flashcards, statistics for individual user and for each flashcard set pulling from backend and displaying on frontend issue, 2. statistics for individual user and for each flashcard set pulling from backend and displaying on frontend Create Flashcard, Stats Review Ticket 18.5/20
Aarav A. 1. Created FE/BE w/ CRUD operations 2. Successfully imports Quizlets and stores them in the database to be used for other features on the website like practicing flashcards and MC quiz, issue Import Quizlet, MC for Quizlet Review Ticket 18.8/20
Bailey S. 1. Creating JWT Tokens in backend to prevent unauthorized access (see issue), 2. Integrating with login and signup in frontend to authorize and register, user roles and admin permissions Login/Register Review Ticket 18.88/20