rjbs / Email-Stuffer

for sending stuff through email
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Email Stuffer flaw when creating DKIM signatures w/ multi-part emails #43

Open SteveTheTechie opened 7 years ago

SteveTheTechie commented 7 years ago

This module has a flaw when trying to produce DKIM signatures w/ multi-part emails. The problem is that too many of the methods call $self->email, which resets the parts and recreates the boundary markers (new marker text). The former is not a problem with creating DKIM sigs, but the latter will cause DKIM verification failures if the boundary markers are recreated after the DKIM signature is created.

For example, consider the following steps:

  1. Use Email::Stuffer->new to create the "stuffed" email.
  2. Use ->as_string (which calls $self->email) to produce string version of email for Mail::DKIM::Signer
  3. Use ->header() to insert the DKIM Signature. This does not change the email body.
  4. Use ->send (which calls $self->email) to send the email.
    Because ->send calls $self->email, the boundary markers are changed which invalidates the DKIM signature just inserted. I keep getting "body altered" DKIM verification failures because of this.

Method $self->email is called too many times unnecessarily, particularly when the Email::MIME email object is cached in $self->{email} A better approach would be to use the cached object as much as possible, with certain methods "undefing" the cached object (cache invalidation) in {email} to force it to be recreated when needed. This would solve the DKIM verification problem for multi-part emails, and would make the module more performant.

pali commented 7 years ago

IMO that is probably design of Email::Stuffer and Email::MIME and their APIs. Basically calling any of set method on their objects invalidates any signature.

Probably the best would be to add DKIM support into Email::MIME (or Email::Simple?? as DKIM is not related to MIME). Email::MIME is layer which do any Unicode encoding/decoding, but DKIM is working on raw data. So also philosophically it problematic with Email::MIME.

Moreover, this request is for Email::Stuffer module which is another layer (on top of Email::MIME) therefore I would suggest to first solve how to handle DKIM in Email::MIME and later decide how to handle it in Email::Stuffer.

SteveTheTechie commented 7 years ago

Actually, I have working integrations between Mail::DKIM and Email::MIME and Email::Stuffer. My integrations handle signing over 300,000 emails a week, some of which are system generated and some of which come from user's email agents through our list server. Some of the code between the modules is obviously redundant, but I was happy to get something working for now until somebody else will take the leap into the bowels of Email::MIME ( or Email::Simple) I am moderately familiar enough with the Email::MIME code to know that I do not want to take that plunge.

I had to do a work-around w/ Email Stuffer that basically renders it just to be an email creator module. I would like to address that. I would be willing to do a PR w/ the understanding that my changes are "enabling changes" that provider for simpler integrations.

Improving the potential for integration is actually easy... it would only take 3 statement adds and 1 statement modifications in the Email::Stuffer module to simplify the integration. However, I do not want to invest any time if is just going to be dismissed out of hand.

pali commented 7 years ago

How to handle DKIM in this Email:: module architecture is question for maintainers, so for @rjbs.

If decision would be on me, I would probably design something like this:

But I'm still not sure if this design is really good. It would provide unified interface for implementing modules which changes existing Email::Simple objects (or inherited) in some way, not only DKIM.

rjbs commented 6 years ago

I agree that Email::Stuffer makes this a pain. One possibility is to create a subclass that has a signed_email method and a sign_and_send method.

I'm not in a rush. It's easy to use the email method, sign the email, and send that.

SteveTheTechie commented 6 years ago

I agree that Email::Stuffer makes this a pain. One possibility is to create a subclass that has a signed_email method and a sign_and_send method.

I'm not in a rush. It's easy to use the email method, sign the email, and send that.

@rjbs As I note above, the Stuffer send calls the email method again which changes the boundary markers rendering the DKIM signature invalid. This is the crux of the problem with using Stuffer w/ DKIM, and why I suggested a a modification was needed.

Regardless of whether a subclass is done or not, the manner in which the boundary markers are created (more than once) by Stuffer is problematic.

Frank071 commented 3 years ago

This is a rather old issue, but yet I have spent an evening bumping my head what happened... Anyhow, I found a rather simple solution patching the Email::Stuffer code. Instead of attaching the parts to the Email::MIME object every time the sub email is called, I changed the code so it does this only on the (each) first call after creation of the object or (possible) tampering with the parts. @Rjbs - if you are interested and still maintaining I can create a patch.

rjbs commented 3 years ago

@Frank071 That sounds good. I believe what you're saying is: the Email::MIME object is cached once it's generated, and that cache is cleared when (and only when) some property of the email is changed that would change the email object in a substantive way.

Frank071 commented 3 years ago

@rjbs that is correct - I introduced a helper value in $self that is set when the email is built and reset whenever content is attached. However I can't create a proper patch since the version I obtained from cpan seems different from the one on Github. It contains a line "$Email::Stuffer::VERSION = '0.018';" at the beginning and all pod-lines are starting with #pod ...?