rjbs / Getopt-Long-Descriptive

Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
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allow option values to be coerced into new forms #19

Open rjbs opened 8 years ago

rjbs commented 8 years ago

Originally requested by Ilmari Vacklin at https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=71475:

I would like my options that describe directories or files to be Path::Class::{Dir,File} objects. Some ways to implement this that I can think of:

  • Allow `{ massage => sub { file($_) } } in describe_options for individual options,
  • Make Getopt::Long::Descriptive::Opts mutable, i.e. let me munge the options after they have been loaded.
djerius commented 6 years ago


Anything I can do to advance the cause of the PR? Flattery? Bribes? Appeals for World Peace?