Closed karenetheridge closed 9 years ago
I'm trying to reproduce this in another distribution and I can't... I will keep poking to narrow this down.
Scratch that -- I've reproduced it.
Here's the repro case:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::DZil;
use Path::Tiny;
my $bug_url = '';
my $tzil = Builder->from_config(
{ dist_root => 't/does_not_exist' },
add_files => {
path(qw(source dist.ini)) => simple_ini(
[ 'MetaResources' => {
'bugtracker.mail' => '',
'bugtracker.web' => $bug_url,
} ],
path(qw(source lib => "package Foo;\n1",
path(qw(source weaver.ini)) => "[\@Default]\n[Bugs]\n",
my $module = $tzil->slurp_file('build/lib/');
like($module, qr/$bug_url/, 'found bug url, unbroken, in the woven pod');
When words that are longer than $columns are encountered, they are broken up. "wrap()" adds a "\n" at column $columns. This behavior can be overridden by setting $huge to 'die' or to 'overflow'. When set to 'die', large words will cause "die()" to be called. When set to 'overflow', large words will be left intact.
Seen in Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-PodSpelling commit efc99e67e (first commit after the v2.006008 tag) -- the BUGS section being added is this:
Note the bizarre linebreak being inserted in the middle of the RT link.
I don't see anything else in the config that could be responsible for this. Weird!