rjdbcm / Aspidites

The reference implementation of the Woma Programming Language compiler.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Stacking unary operators onto their respective positive/negative operands does n... #32

Open github-actions[bot] opened 2 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Stacking unary operators onto their respective positive/negative operands does not parse safely

line 105, in test_parse_arith

assert eval(stmt) == eval(''.join(arith_expr.parseString(stmt)))

AssertionError: assert 1 == -1

p=1, q=0, binop='-', unop='-',



        main(['Aspidites', woma_file, f'-o={python_file}', '-c'])

@hypothesis.given(st.text([c for c in ascii_letters]),
                  st.text([c for c in ascii_lowercase]),
                  st.integers(1, 10))
def test_parse_func_def(w, x, y, z):
    assume(str(w).isidentifier() and str(x).isidentifier())
    assume(not iskeyword(w) and not iskeyword(x))
    assume(w is not x)
    assume(y > 0)
    f = f"({w}({x} = {y} -> int)) int\n    <*>{x}"
    args = ''
    for i in range(z):
        args += f"{x + str(i)} = {y} -> int;"
    args = args[:-1]
    f2 = f"({w}({x} = {y} -> int; {args})) int\n    <*>{x}"

# TODO Stacking unary operators onto their respective positive/negative operands does not parse safely
#  line 105, in test_parse_arith
#     assert eval(stmt) == eval(''.join(arith_expr.parseString(stmt)))
# AssertionError: assert 1 == -1
#  +  where 1 = eval('--1-0//-1')
#  +  and   -1 = eval('Maybe(SafeFloorDiv, --1-0, -1)()')
#  +    where 'Maybe(SafeFloorDiv, --1-0, -1)()' = <built-in method join of str object at 0x1033f0030>((['Maybe(SafeFloorDiv, --1-0, -1)()'], {}))
#  +      where <built-in method join of str object at 0x1033f0030> = ''.join
#  +      and   (['Maybe(SafeFloorDiv, --1-0, -1)()'], {}) = <bound method ParserElement.parseString of Combine:(Forward: bitwise operator term)>('--1-0//-1')
#  +        where <bound method ParserElement.parseString of Combine:(Forward: bitwise operator term)> = arith_expr.parseString
# Falsifying example: test_parse_arith(
#     p=1, q=0, binop='-', unop='-',
# )

# TODO Stacking division and floor division does not parse safely
#  line 120, in test_parse_arith
#     assert eval(stmt) == eval(''.join(arith_expr.parseString(stmt)))
# AssertionError: assert -1.0 == Undefined(None, (), {})
#  +  where -1.0 = eval('-1/1//1')
#  +  and   Undefined(None, (), {}) = eval('Maybe(SafeDiv, Maybe(SafeFloorDiv, -1, 1, 1)())()')
#  +    where 'Maybe(SafeDiv, Maybe(SafeFloorDiv, -1, 1, 1)())()' = <built-in method join of str object at 0x10ac04030>((['Maybe(SafeDiv, Maybe(SafeFloorDiv, -1, 1, 1)())()'], {}))
#  +      where <built-in method join of str object at 0x10ac04030> = ''.join
#  +      and   (['Maybe(SafeDiv, Maybe(SafeFloorDiv, -1, 1, 1)())()'], {}) = <bound method ParserElement.parseString of Combine:(Forward: bitwise operator term)>('-1/1//1')
#  +        where <bound method ParserElement.parseString of Combine:(Forward: bitwise operator term)> = arith_expr.parseString

@hypothesis.given(st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=255),  # exponent
                  st.text(['/', '*', '%', '+', '-'], min_size=1, max_size=1),
                  st.text(['+', '-'], min_size=1, max_size=1))
def test_parse_arith(p, q, binop, unop):
    stmt = str(p) + binop + "(" + str(q) + binop + str(p) + "+1" ")"
    assert eval(stmt) == eval(''.join(arith_expr.parseString(stmt)))
    stmt = str(p) + binop + str(q)
    assert eval(stmt) == eval(''.join(arith_expr.parseString(stmt)))

# @pt.mark.filterwarnings('ignore::RuntimeWarning')
def test_compile_to_shared_object(inject_config):
    python_file_ = str(Path('examples/compiled.pyx'))
