rjdverse / rjd3x13

R access to X13-Arima algorithm in JDemetra+ version 3.x
European Union Public License 1.2
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Incomplete arima spec in output #27

Closed merangelik closed 1 month ago

merangelik commented 8 months ago


should output$preprocessing$description$arimaalso contain the remaining p, q, bp and bq values of the arima spec instead of only dand bd? Or do these values mean something completely different?

> userdefined_default <- c(
+   "y", "t", "sa", "s", "i", "cal", "y_f", "t_f", "sa_f", "s_f", 
+   "cal_f", "y_ef",
+   "decomposition.d6", "decomposition.d7", "decomposition.d9","decomposition.d13",
+   "decomposition.mode", "arima.p","arima.d", "arima.q" ,"arima.bp" , "arima.bd","arima.bq"
+ )
> output <- fast_x13(
+   ts = AirPassengers,
+   spec = "rsa1",# dieser Parameter anscheinend nicht case sensitive
+   context = NULL,
+   userdefined = userdefined_default
+ )
> names(output$preprocessing$description$arima)
[1] "period" "d"      "bd"     "phi"    "theta"  "bphi"   "btheta"
AQLT commented 8 months ago

The values of p, q, bp, bq can be obtained with phi, theta, bphi and btheta. See for example what is done in rjd3report or in rjd3toolkit print methods' https://github.com/AQLT/rjd3report/blob/master/R/manipulation.R#L48-L64

merangelik commented 7 months ago

Ah, thanks! Good idea to have a look at the print methods! Is the reason for such a structure to keep the output objects as small as possible with as much information as possible?

annasmyk commented 1 month ago

I think we can close this one