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Could we maintain the intel instruction semantics in another repo? #9

Open mudongliang opened 6 years ago

mudongliang commented 6 years ago

It seems this repo is out of date and the author may not intend to maintain this repo.

Could we maintain the intel instruction semantics in one fork of this repo?

Zapeth commented 6 years ago

Thats a good idea, ideally with a switch to toggle between the two. I guess the only thing that would have to be modified is the Mnemonic's entry for each instruction?

Another suggestion I would have is to add instructions for newer extensions like SSSE3, SSE4 and AVX, maybe even for completeness sake the obsolete 3DNow extension. For better browsability they could be grouped in separate sections and/or colored distinctly, ideally also with switches to in/exclude each when browsing.