rjkroege / edwood

Go version of Plan9 Acme Editor
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Windows build doesn't draw into window? #484

Closed paul-lalonde closed 1 year ago

paul-lalonde commented 1 year ago

I'm likely misconfigured, but I don't see anything in our documentation. I launch edwood at the command line, it tells me it has a 9P fileserver listening, opens a windows, but it remains gray. Any clues? Windows 10 Enterprise 20H2, no WSL.

rjkroege commented 1 year ago

I thought that windows required building with duitdraw if you were going to run without WSL

paul-lalonde commented 1 year ago

Ok, tried go build -tags duitdraw .; no joy. Running without WSL would make my life immensely easier. We seem to lack actual Windows documentation.

rjkroege commented 1 year ago

@fhs any helpful comments on Windows usage?

I suppose that I'll get around to getting a Windows device up eventually.

paul-lalonde commented 1 year ago

I updated my wsl (I don't understand why that matters for duitdraw); upgraded my windows box to 2020 2H22, and I now have something that sort-of works. The initial refresh can be very slow - like 60-120 seconds. After that the main elements work. Filename handling is still fundamentally broken, so working on that now as time allows.

fhs commented 1 year ago

The duitdraw backend seems to work fine on x11. I haven't used edwood on Windows for some time. You may want to update some dependencies and see if that help, although I don't see any significant changes in duitdraw or golang.org/x/exp/shiny.

paul-lalonde commented 1 year ago

The problem appears to be at my end: it looks likesome awful corp anti-virus is doing a ridiculously lengthy scan of my executables, leading to minute-long startup delays for windows. Closing.