rjones30 / HDGeant4

Geant4 simulation for the GlueX experiment
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Ijaegle #23

Closed igjaegle closed 4 years ago

igjaegle commented 4 years ago

3 input values did not match G3

G3 input parameters static float ATTEN_LENGTH = 200.; //effective attenuation length in PbWO static float LENGTH_OF_BLOCK = 20.; //cm static float THRESH_MEV = 5.;

G4 input wrong parameters // Geometry constants for the CCal double GlueXSensitiveDetectorCCAL::LENGTH_OF_BLOCK = 18.0cm; // Light propagation parameters in Compton calorimeter double GlueXSensitiveDetectorCCAL::ATTENUATION_LENGTH = 60.cm; // Minimum energy deposition for a hit double GlueXSensitiveDetectorCCAL::THRESH_MEV = 20.;