rjrahul24 / ai-with-python-series

A Python Series of tutorials aimed at learning Artificial Intelligence concepts. This series of tutorials start from the basics of Python and builds on top of it. We will cover three full-fledged case studies to practice AI Implementation of Python with real data and solve real-world problems.
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Complaining about TensorFlow, when running 07. Emotion Recognition using Live Video #2

Open svbt opened 1 year ago

svbt commented 1 year ago

Hi @rjrahul24 ,

I am trying to run cells for example 07 and seems it complain about TensorFlow. I have added a new cell to install pip install tensorflow

But seems asking for more to do, see error below

2023-06-10 11:43:21.536015: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:182] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations. To enable the following instructions: AVX2 FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.

I want to avoid any manual steps to build and also new to this package.

I am curious if you already know what to do to solve this error?

Thanks, Mahendra