rkd77 / elinks

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Gopher HTML links do not redirect #33

Open Moult opened 5 years ago

Moult commented 5 years ago

It is specified that when you visit a Gopher page which links to a HTML page in the form of hFoo URL:https://bar.com baz.com 70 that the baz.com gopher server has the responsibility to provide a HTML redirection page. (See http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/Mailing%20Lists/gopher/gopher.2002-02%7C/MBOX-MESSAGE/34)

In Lynx, if you visit say gopher://thinkmoult.com/1/free-intervals-sheet-music and try to visit either of the two HTML links, you will get a redirection page. In elinks, you will not - I suspect because elinks does not realise it has to jump to HTTP.

Any ideas why this is happening?

rkd77 commented 5 years ago

With above commit elinks behaves like Lynx. At least for test site.

slackhead commented 3 years ago

I have some patches to fix a few problems with gopher in elinks, which can be found here:


They don't all work with felinks - I haven't had a look at gopher.c in felinks yet, but I'll try to look sometime soon and maybe make a PR or something.