rkern / line_profiler

(OLD REPO) Line-by-line profiling for Python - Current repo ->
3.6k stars 256 forks source link

Is this package still actively developed? #144

Closed pllim closed 5 years ago

pllim commented 5 years ago

I cannot do pip install line_profiler and it seems like last commit was on Dec 2017. Should I look somewhere else for a profiler package?

caethan commented 5 years ago

I am aware of the problem and will fix it when I get some time. I also have a sick six-month-old and a full time job that doesn't support this work, so time is in short supply. You are welcome to look elsewhere, or to fork and do as you see fit, or to install directly from git (the problem is the compiled Cython uploaded to pypi), if the issue isn't being fixed fast enough for your comfort.

pllim commented 5 years ago

Sorry to hear and I hope everyone feels better soon. Thanks for the package as it is very useful and allowed me to profile code inside a notebook. I saw it mentioned in several different blogs and that was how I found it. Your work is appreciated!