As a user I can search snapshots by keywords so that I can filter results displayed by their text content or by era, genre or category of a snapshot
Acceptance Criteria
Search bar should appear at the top of any page displaying a list of snapshots
The list of snapshots should filter as the search bar is populated and only display results matching
Posts should be filterable by title, era, genre and category
[x] Create form element for search bar in return of SnapshotsPage component. Prevent default behaviour on submit.
[x] Make use of useState hook to store and set the search query
[x] Assign query to the value prop of the search bar Form.Control component
[x] Set the onChange prop of Form.Control component with a function that calls setQuery and passes it the the value of the event
[x] Update API request with the additional search parameter, passing it the query state as a value.
[x] add query to the useEffect dependency array - ensures a new request is made each time user changes search text
[x] use setTimeout function inside useEffect hook. Run fetchSnapshots as the setTimeout callback function with 1000ms delay, so API request is not made on every key stroke. There should be a 1 second delay after the final keystroke before the API request is sent.
As a user I can search snapshots by keywords so that I can filter results displayed by their text content or by era, genre or category of a snapshot
Acceptance Criteria
state as a value.query
to the useEffect dependency array - ensures a new request is made each time user changes search text