rkitover / vimpager

Use Vim as PAGER
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unmap vimpager-provided mappings in .vimpagerrc? #235

Open fictionic opened 6 years ago

fictionic commented 6 years ago

On the Arch Linux package, this works fine. However, if I install from git, it seems that my .vimpagerrc is sourced before vimpager sets up its mappings, so I can't unmap them until after vim loads. This is quite frustrating, as I want to keep all of the less.vim functionality, but unmap / and a few other things.

rkitover commented 6 years ago

The mappings are set when you enter the file in my version of less.vim.

I will need to add a hook that would be called after the mappings are enabled.

fictionic commented 6 years ago

Do you know why this doesn't happen in the Arch Linux package?

rkitover commented 6 years ago

Probably because it's very old, I haven't done a formal release in a really long time.

fictionic commented 6 years ago

Oh I didn't know that. Well, please don't update the package until this enhancement is made! It makes the plug-in harder to use for me.

rkitover commented 6 years ago

I have nothing to do with distro packages, I really need to do a release soon, which is when distro packagers normally pick up an update, and I will make sure this capability is in it.

fictionic commented 6 years ago

Thank you!