rkitover / vimpager

Use Vim as PAGER
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Disable specific mapping #260

Closed gkotian closed 2 years ago

gkotian commented 3 years ago

In vim, I like to use two consecutive spaces in normal mode to save the file, using this mapping: nnoremap <SPACE><SPACE> :w<CR>

But this interferes with my scrolling behaviour when using vimpager (in a pager, I like to use space to scroll down). Right now, when I try to use space to scroll down, vimpager complains with E382: Cannot write, 'buftype' option is set.

Is there any way I can disable the Space-Space mapping in vimpager, and use the spacebar to scroll down? (IOW, is there any way I can eat my cake and have it too? :smile:)

gkotian commented 2 years ago


I still haven't managed to find a workaround for my problem, and would appreciate any pointers. Even a "no, this is simply not possible to do." would be helpful :)

gkotian commented 2 years ago

I'll close this issue. Thanks for this project. It has worked well for me for several years, but I've decided to move to bat now.