rkoval / alfred-aws-console-services-workflow

A powerful workflow for quickly opening up AWS Console Services in your browser or searching for entities within them.
MIT License
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AWS GovCloud Regions #43

Closed BClev closed 3 years ago

BClev commented 3 years ago

This workflow works great for standard AWS regions, but AWS GovCloud (us-gov-east-1 and us-gov-west-1) has a slightly different base URL than the standard regions: https://{region}.console.amazonaws-us-gov.com/

Would it be possible for there to be either a changeable config or check that if the region has us-gov*, the workflow sends you to the correct GovCloud base URL instead of {region}.console.aws.amazon.com please?

BClev commented 3 years ago

Shame on me for missing the README piece that helps with this (the env var). It does work when you use the ALRED_AWS_CONSOLE_SERVICES_WORKFLOW_AWS_CONSOLE_DOMAIN env var. Only caveat is the var has a minor misspelling (ALRED instead of ALFRED like the others) which made it not work because, once again on me, I changed it to ALFRED instead of just leaving as-is from the README. Hope this issue helps others out there.

rkoval commented 3 years ago

ahhh blast! sorry that tripped you up, but thanks for calling it out. i'm drafting up a release with some breaking changes sometime this week, so i can probably fix this as part of that since it's technically a breaking change.

additionally, this new release will contain logic that will use the us-gov domain when the workflow detects a us-gov-* region is in use (like if this is set in your aws config file). i don't think you should need the env var override with this functionality; however, i don't have access to us-gov-* regions, so i can't fully test it. regardless, i'll let you know when this is released.

rkoval commented 3 years ago

hokay, both of these are out with v5.0.0. i'm going to close this issue out in the meantime, but let me know if you're still having issues with it.