rktjmp / lush.nvim

Create Neovim themes with real-time feedback, export anywhere.
MIT License
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parser.lua error #105

Closed VSngg closed 1 year ago

VSngg commented 1 year ago

I get this error when using :Lushify :

Could not parse buffer due to Lua error: ...vim/site/pack/packer/start/lush.nvim/lua/lush/parser.lua:439: attempt to index field '__lush' (a nil value)

And this when I'm trying to load it with :colorscheme'

Error detected while processing /home/vs/git/neosolarfog/colors/neosolarfog.lua:
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: ...vim/site/pack/packer/start/lush.nvim/lua/lush/parser.lua:439: attempt to index field '__lush' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        ...vim/site/pack/packer/start/lush.nvim/lua/lush/parser.lua:439: in function 'Statement'
        .../packer/start/neosolarfog/lua/lush_theme/neosolarfog.lua:152: in function 'lush_spec_fn'
        ...vim/site/pack/packer/start/lush.nvim/lua/lush/parser.lua:505: in function 'parse'
        ...share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/lush.nvim/lua/lush.lua:76: in function 'lush'
        .../packer/start/neosolarfog/lua/lush_theme/neosolarfog.lua:66: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        /home/vs/git/neosolarfog/colors/neosolarfog.lua:19: in main chunk
rktjmp commented 1 year ago

Please provide the colorscheme files

VSngg commented 1 year ago

Can this error occur because I'm using a bunch of variables for colors?

-- You probably always want to set this in your vim file
vim.opt.background = 'dark'
vim.g.colors_name = 'neosolarfog'

-- By setting our module to nil, we clear lua's cache,
-- which means the require ahead will *always* occur.
-- This isn't strictly required but it can be a useful trick if you are
-- incrementally editing your config a lot and want to be sure your themes
-- changes are being picked up without restarting neovim.
-- Note if you're working in on your theme and have :Lushify'd the buffer,
-- your changes will be applied with our without the following line.
-- The performance impact of this call can be measured in the hundreds of
-- *nanoseconds* and such could be considered "production safe".

-- include our theme file and pass it to lush to apply
local lush = require('lush')
-- local hsl = lush.hsl

local base03 = "#002b36"
local base02 = "#073642"
local base01 = "#586e75"
local base00 = "#657b83"
local base0 = "#839496"
local base1 = "#93a1a1"
local gray = "#7488d"
local yellow = "#b58900"
local orange = "#cb4b16"
local red = "#dc322f"
-- local magenta = "#d33682"
-- local violet = "#6c71c4"
local blue = "#268bd2"
local cyan = "#2aa198"

-- LSP/Linters mistakenly show `undefined global` errors in the spec, they may
-- support an annotation like the following. Consult your server documentation.
---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global
local theme = lush(function()
  return {
    -- The following are the Neovim (as of 0.8.0-dev+100-g371dfb174) highlight
    -- groups, mostly used for styling UI elements.
    -- Comment them out and add your own properties to override the defaults.
    -- An empty definition `{}` will clear all styling, leaving elements looking
    -- like the 'Normal' group.
    -- To be able to link to a group, it must already be defined, so you may have
    -- to reorder items as you go.
    -- See :h highlight-groups
    ColorColumn  { bg = base02 }, -- Columns set with 'colorcolumn'
    Conceal      { }, -- Placeholder characters substituted for concealed text (see 'conceallevel')
    Cursor       { fg = base03, bg = base0 }, -- Character under the cursor
    CursorColumn { bg = base02 }, -- Screen-column at the cursor, when 'cursorcolumn' is set.
    CursorLine   { bg = base02 }, -- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is set. Low-priority if foreground (ctermfg OR guifg) is not set.
    Directory    { fg = base0, bg = base03 }, -- Directory names (and other special names in listings)
    DiffAdd      { fg = base03, bg = cyan }, -- Diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
    DiffChange   { fg = base03, bg = yellow}, -- Diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
    DiffDelete   { fg = base0, bg = red}, -- Diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
    DiffText     { fg = base01, bg = blue}, -- Diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt|
    -- EndOfBuffer  { }, -- Filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. By default, this is highlighted like |hl-NonText|.
    -- ErrorMsg     { }, -- Error messages on the command line
    VertSplit    { fg = "#74888d", bg = base03 }, -- Column separating vertically split windows
    Folded       { fg = gray }, -- Line used for closed folds
    FoldColumn   { fg = base02}, -- 'foldcolumn'
    SignColumn   { bg = base03 }, -- Column where |signs| are displayed
    IncSearch    { fg = base03, bg = cyan }, -- 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c"
    -- Substitute   { }, -- |:substitute| replacement text highlighting
    LineNr       { fg = base01 }, -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is set.
    CursorLineNr { fg = base01, gui = "bold"  }, -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line.
    MatchParen   { fg = base0, bg = orange }, -- Character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
    ModeMsg      { }, -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT -- ")
    -- MsgArea      { }, -- Area for messages and cmdline
    -- MsgSeparator { }, -- Separator for scrolled messages, `msgsep` flag of 'display'
    -- MoreMsg      { }, -- |more-prompt|
    -- NonText      { }, -- '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line). See also |hl-EndOfBuffer|.
    Normal       { fg = base0 }, -- Normal text
    -- NormalFloat  { }, -- Normal text in floating windows.
    -- NormalNC     { }, -- normal text in non-current windows
    Pmenu        { bg = base02 }, -- Popup menu: Normal item.
    PmenuSel     { fg = base03 , bg = base00 }, -- Popup menu: Selected item.
    PmenuSbar    { Pmenu }, -- Popup menu: Scrollbar.
    PmenuThumb   { PmenuSel }, -- Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar.
    -- Question     { }, -- |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
    -- QuickFixLine { }, -- Current |quickfix| item in the quickfix window. Combined with |hl-CursorLine| when the cursor is there.
    Search       { fg = base03, bg = yellow }, -- Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand out.
    -- SpecialKey   { }, -- Unprintable characters: text displayed differently from what it really is. But not 'listchars' whitespace. |hl-Whitespace|
    -- SpellBad     { }, -- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
    -- SpellCap     { }, -- Word that should start with a capital. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
    -- SpellLocal   { }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
    -- SpellRare    { }, -- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
    StatusLine   { fg = base03, bg = base0 }, -- Status line of current window
    StatusLineNC { fg = gray, bg = base02}, -- Status lines of not-current windows. Note: If this is equal to "StatusLine" Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window.
    -- TabLine      { }, -- Tab pages line, not active tab page label
    -- TabLineFill  { }, -- Tab pages line, where there are no labels
    -- TabLineSel   { }, -- Tab pages line, active tab page label
    -- Title        { }, -- Titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
    Visual       { bg = base02 }, -- Visual mode selection
    -- VisualNOS    { }, -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
    -- WarningMsg   { }, -- Warning messages
    Whitespace   { fg = base01 }, -- "nbsp", "space", "tab" and "trail" in 'listchars'
    -- Winseparator { }, -- Separator between window splits. Inherts from |hl-VertSplit| by default, which it will replace eventually.
    -- WildMenu     { }, -- Current match in 'wildmenu' completion

    -- Common vim syntax groups used for all kinds of code and markup.
    -- Commented-out groups should chain up to their preferred (*) group
    -- by default.
    -- See :h group-name
    -- Uncomment and edit if you want more specific syntax highlighting.

    Comment        { fg = base01 , gui="italic" }, -- Any comment

    Constant       { fg = base1 }, -- (*) Any constant
    -- String         { }, --   A string constant: "this is a string"
    -- Character      { }, --   A character constant: 'c', '\n'
    -- Number         { }, --   A number constant: 234, 0xff
    -- Boolean        { }, --   A boolean constant: TRUE, false
    -- Float          { }, --   A floating point constant: 2.3e10

    Identifier     { gui = bold }, -- (*) Any variable name
    Function       { gui = bold }, --   Function name (also: methods for classes)

    Statement      { Normal, gui = "bold" }, -- (*) Any statement
    -- Conditional    { }, --   if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
    -- Repeat         { }, --   for, do, while, etc.
    -- Label          { }, --   case, default, etc.
    -- Operator       { }, --   "sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
    -- Keyword        { }, --   any other keyword
    -- Exception      { }, --   try, catch, throw

    PreProc        { gui = "italic"}, -- (*) Generic Preprocessor
    -- Include        { }, --   Preprocessor #include
    -- Define         { }, --   Preprocessor #define
    -- Macro          { }, --   Same as Define
    -- PreCondit      { }, --   Preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.

    Type           { Normal, gui = "bold" }, -- (*) int, long, char, etc.
    StorageClass   { }, --   static, register, volatile, etc.
    Structure      { }, --   struct, union, enum, etc.
    Typedef        { }, --   A typedef

    Special        { gui = "italic"}, -- (*) Any special symbol
    -- SpecialChar    { }, --   Special character in a constant
    -- Tag            { }, --   You can use CTRL-] on this
    -- Delimiter      { }, --   Character that needs attention
    -- SpecialComment { }, --   Special things inside a comment (e.g. '\n')
    -- Debug          { }, --   Debugging statements

    Underlined     { gui = "underline" }, -- Text that stands out, HTML links
    -- Ignore         { }, -- Left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore| (NOTE: May be invisible here in template)
    Error          { fg = base03, bg = red }, -- Any erroneous construct
    Todo           { fg = base03, bg = base0}, -- Anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX

    -- These groups are for the native LSP client and diagnostic system. Some
    -- other LSP clients may use these groups, or use their own. Consult your
    -- LSP client's documentation.

    -- See :h lsp-highlight, some groups may not be listed, submit a PR fix to lush-template!
    -- LspReferenceText            { } , -- Used for highlighting "text" references
    -- LspReferenceRead            { } , -- Used for highlighting "read" references
    -- LspReferenceWrite           { } , -- Used for highlighting "write" references
    -- LspCodeLens                 { } , -- Used to color the virtual text of the codelens. See |nvim_buf_set_extmark()|.
    -- LspCodeLensSeparator        { } , -- Used to color the seperator between two or more code lens.
    -- LspSignatureActiveParameter { } , -- Used to highlight the active parameter in the signature help. See |vim.lsp.handlers.signature_help()|.

    -- See :h diagnostic-highlights, some groups may not be listed, submit a PR fix to lush-template!
    -- DiagnosticError            { } , -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
    -- DiagnosticWarn             { } , -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
    -- DiagnosticInfo             { } , -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
    -- DiagnosticHint             { } , -- Used as the base highlight group. Other Diagnostic highlights link to this by default (except Underline)
    -- DiagnosticVirtualTextError { } , -- Used for "Error" diagnostic virtual text.
    -- DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn  { } , -- Used for "Warn" diagnostic virtual text.
    -- DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo  { } , -- Used for "Info" diagnostic virtual text.
    -- DiagnosticVirtualTextHint  { } , -- Used for "Hint" diagnostic virtual text.
    -- DiagnosticUnderlineError   { } , -- Used to underline "Error" diagnostics.
    -- DiagnosticUnderlineWarn    { } , -- Used to underline "Warn" diagnostics.
    -- DiagnosticUnderlineInfo    { } , -- Used to underline "Info" diagnostics.
    -- DiagnosticUnderlineHint    { } , -- Used to underline "Hint" diagnostics.
    -- DiagnosticFloatingError    { } , -- Used to color "Error" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float. See |vim.diagnostic.open_float()|
    -- DiagnosticFloatingWarn     { } , -- Used to color "Warn" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float.
    -- DiagnosticFloatingInfo     { } , -- Used to color "Info" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float.
    -- DiagnosticFloatingHint     { } , -- Used to color "Hint" diagnostic messages in diagnostics float.
    -- DiagnosticSignError        { } , -- Used for "Error" signs in sign column.
    -- DiagnosticSignWarn         { } , -- Used for "Warn" signs in sign column.
    -- DiagnosticSignInfo         { } , -- Used for "Info" signs in sign column.
    -- DiagnosticSignHint         { } , -- Used for "Hint" signs in sign column.

    -- Tree-Sitter syntax groups. Most link to corresponding
    -- vim syntax groups (e.g. TSKeyword => Keyword) by default.
    -- See :h nvim-treesitter-highlights, some groups may not be listed, submit a PR fix to lush-template!
    -- TSAttribute          { } , -- Annotations that can be attached to the code to denote some kind of meta information. e.g. C++/Dart attributes.
    -- TSBoolean            { } , -- Boolean literals: `True` and `False` in Python.
    -- TSCharacter          { } , -- Character literals: `'a'` in C.
    -- TSCharacterSpecial   { } , -- Special characters.
    TSComment            { fg = base01 , gui = "italic"  } , -- Line comments and block comments.
    -- TSConditional        { } , -- Keywords related to conditionals: `if`, `when`, `cond`, etc.
    -- TSConstant           { } , -- Constants identifiers. These might not be semantically constant. E.g. uppercase variables in Python.
    -- TSConstBuiltin       { } , -- Built-in constant values: `nil` in Lua.
    -- TSConstMacro         { } , -- Constants defined by macros: `NULL` in C.
    -- TSConstructor        { } , -- Constructor calls and definitions: `{}` in Lua, and Java constructors.
    -- TSDebug              { } , -- Debugging statements.
    -- TSDefine             { } , -- Preprocessor #define statements.
    -- TSError              { } , -- Syntax/parser errors. This might highlight large sections of code while the user is typing still incomplete code, use a sensible highlight.
    -- TSException          { } , -- Exception related keywords: `try`, `except`, `finally` in Python.
    -- TSField              { } , -- Object and struct fields.
    -- TSFloat              { } , -- Floating-point number literals.
    -- TSFunction           { } , -- Function calls and definitions.
    -- TSFuncBuiltin        { } , -- Built-in functions: `print` in Lua.
    -- TSFuncMacro          { } , -- Macro defined functions (calls and definitions): each `macro_rules` in Rust.
    -- TSInclude            { } , -- File or module inclusion keywords: `#include` in C, `use` or `extern crate` in Rust.
    -- TSKeyword            { } , -- Keywords that don't fit into other categories.
    -- TSKeywordFunction    { } , -- Keywords used to define a function: `function` in Lua, `def` and `lambda` in Python.
    -- TSKeywordOperator    { } , -- Unary and binary operators that are English words: `and`, `or` in Python; `sizeof` in C.
    -- TSKeywordReturn      { } , -- Keywords like `return` and `yield`.
    -- TSLabel              { } , -- GOTO labels: `label:` in C, and `::label::` in Lua.
    -- TSMethod             { } , -- Method calls and definitions.
    -- TSNamespace          { } , -- Identifiers referring to modules and namespaces.
    -- TSNone               { } , -- No highlighting (sets all highlight arguments to `NONE`). this group is used to clear certain ranges, for example, string interpolations. Don't change the values of this highlight group.
    -- TSNumber             { } , -- Numeric literals that don't fit into other categories.
    -- TSOperator           { } , -- Binary or unary operators: `+`, and also `->` and `*` in C.
    -- TSParameter          { } , -- Parameters of a function.
    -- TSParameterReference { } , -- References to parameters of a function.
    -- TSPreProc            { } , -- Preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
    -- TSProperty           { } , -- Same as `TSField`.
    -- TSPunctDelimiter     { } , -- Punctuation delimiters: Periods, commas, semicolons, etc.
    -- TSPunctBracket       { } , -- Brackets, braces, parentheses, etc.
    -- TSPunctSpecial       { } , -- Special punctuation that doesn't fit into the previous categories.
    -- TSRepeat             { } , -- Keywords related to loops: `for`, `while`, etc.
    -- TSStorageClass       { } , -- Keywords that affect how a variable is stored: `static`, `comptime`, `extern`, etc.
    -- TSString             { } , -- String literals.
    -- TSStringRegex        { } , -- Regular expression literals.
    -- TSStringEscape       { } , -- Escape characters within a string: `\n`, `\t`, etc.
    -- TSStringSpecial      { } , -- Strings with special meaning that don't fit into the previous categories.
    -- TSSymbol             { } , -- Identifiers referring to symbols or atoms.
    -- TSTag                { } , -- Tags like HTML tag names.
    -- TSTagAttribute       { } , -- HTML tag attributes.
    -- TSTagDelimiter       { } , -- Tag delimiters like `<` `>` `/`.
    -- TSText               { } , -- Non-structured text. Like text in a markup language.
    -- TSStrong             { } , -- Text to be represented in bold.
    -- TSEmphasis           { } , -- Text to be represented with emphasis.
    -- TSUnderline          { } , -- Text to be represented with an underline.
    -- TSStrike             { } , -- Strikethrough text.
    -- TSTitle              { } , -- Text that is part of a title.
    -- TSLiteral            { } , -- Literal or verbatim text.
    -- TSURI                { } , -- URIs like hyperlinks or email addresses.
    -- TSMath               { } , -- Math environments like LaTeX's `$ ... $`
    -- TSTextReference      { } , -- Footnotes, text references, citations, etc.
    -- TSEnvironment        { } , -- Text environments of markup languages.
    -- TSEnvironmentName    { } , -- Text/string indicating the type of text environment. Like the name of a `\begin` block in LaTeX.
    -- TSNote               { } , -- Text representation of an informational note.
    -- TSWarning            { } , -- Text representation of a warning note.
    -- TSDanger             { } , -- Text representation of a danger note.
    -- TSType               { } , -- Type (and class) definitions and annotations.
    -- TSTypeBuiltin        { } , -- Built-in types: `i32` in Rust.
    -- TSVariable           { } , -- Variable names that don't fit into other categories.
    -- TSVariableBuiltin    { } , -- Variable names defined by the language: `this` or `self` in Javascript.

-- Return our parsed theme for extension or use elsewhere.
return theme

-- vi:nowrap
VSngg commented 1 year ago

Okay, I'm stupid... forgot to enclose bold in double quotes. Sorry for bothering you, and awesome plugin btw