rktjmp / lush.nvim

Create Neovim themes with real-time feedback, export anywhere.
MIT License
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Allow for dep injection into lush spec function #36

Open rktjmp opened 3 years ago

rktjmp commented 3 years ago

This is just a "work with the shed door open" kind of issue, subject to change.

_something_(a, b, x).lush(function(a, b, c)
  return {
    Normal { a ... }

This should allow for a scheme to handle light and dark modes without having to maintain two specs.

-- main_spec.lua

-- this would be lush independent, depending on theme author.
-- could be a string, or a table of colors or ...
local style_name = get_some_config_var("g:my_theme_style") -- "dark"
local style_colors = require('lush_theme.my_theme.colours).get_by_name(sub_theme_name)

lush.inject({style_colors, some_other_config}).with(function(style, other)
  return function()
    Normal { fg = style.color_a }

How to do this:

local spec = lush.extends({harbour}).inject(style).with(function(inject)
  return {

Is the chaining all "too smart", maintain old chains but move to a function or table inference and promote more complicated to build the config in parts? Can probably show deprecation warnings when running Lushify.

some_theme = require("lush_theme.harbour")
local config = {
  extend = {harbor},
  -- allows for injection of other themes if wanted, but does not automatically extend those themes
  -- is that confusing?
  inject = {style, harbor, require('lua.some.lib')},

config.spec = function(style, harbour, helper_lib)
  return {
    Normal { fg = harbour.normal.fg, bg = style.red500}

return lush(config)
rktjmp commented 3 years ago

lush(...) already infers on table && table.__lush && table.__lush.type == "parsed_lush_spec", so we would either

rktjmp commented 3 years ago

I have a theme, it has two styles, regular and no italics, how do I build this?

spec into extends(spec).with(group = {spec.group, gui = "" or gui = spec.group.gui.rep(italic, "")

I have a theme, it has two styles, subzero and scorpion. It is a direct palette swap.

lush.inject(palette).with( normal fg = palette.normal.fg, bg = palette.color1)

I have a theme, it has two styles, lake and ocean, ocean is generally the same as lake but some colors are darker and a few groups change.

Get lake as parsed spec, ocean extends lake and just fiddles which groups it needs to.

Two styles, light and dark. Half the specs are shared half are not.

Palettes should conform to some agreed shape, probably have three specs

Define palettes

-- norm and comment are different colors but are applied the same
-- no matter which spec

-- light_palette.lua         -- dark_palette.lua
light = {                    dark = {
  norm = hsl(blue),            norm = hsl(dark_blue),
  comment = hsl(red)           comment = hsl(dark_red),
  light_tone = hsl(green)      dark_tone = hsl(orange)
}                            }

Define base

-- base.lua
return function(palette)
  Normal { fg = palette.norm },
  Comment { fg = palett.comment }

Define light

-- light.lua

-- get palette
palette = require("lush_theme.ld.light_palette")

-- get base generator
base_fn = require("lush_theme.ld.base")
-- apply palette to base
base_spec = lush.inject(palette).with(base_fn)

-- extend base for light specifics
return lush.extends(base_spec).with(function()
  CursorLine { bg = palette.light_tone },
  Search { base.Normal, fg = base.Normal.fg.lighten(20) }

Define dark

-- dark.lua

-- get palette
palette = require("lush_theme.ld.dark_palette")

-- get base generator
base_fn = require("lush_theme.ld.base")
-- apply palette to base
base_spec = lush.inject(palette).with(base_fn)

-- extend base for light specifics
return lush.extends(base_spec).with(function()
  CursorLine { bg = palette.dark_tone },
  Search { base.Normal, fg = base.Normal.fg.darken(20) }

Important, both light.lua and dark.lua return valid specs, so they can be used with extends by an end user. A lush spec file should always return a lush spec, fully formed.

Now either colors.vim checks some config val

" colors.vim
if g:ld_style == "light" then
  lua require("lush")(require("lush_theme.ld.light")
  lua require("lush")(require("lush_theme.ld.light")

OR, there is a third "spec" that does the same thing in lua and returns the real spec.

-- light_or_dark.lua
return require("lush_theme.ld."..vim.g.ld_style)
-- colors.vim
lua require("lush")(require("lush_theme.ld.light_or_dark")
rktjmp commented 3 years ago

The split files starts to break :Lushify, buit fwatch can actually fix this for us, probably :LushifyDir and just bang lush on every file change? Needs to do the unwatch/rewatch shuffle for vims save style.

mcchrish commented 2 years ago

This is an interesting feature for me. I'm building some spin-offs to zenbones but my solution so far is "monkey-patching" the palette module used in generating the specs. It technically works but it's ugly and probably a maintenance hell.

It can probably be worked around by wrapping things into functions that can generate palettes or specs.

local function generate_specs(palette)
    return lush(function()
        return {
            Normal { fg = palette.fg }

lush(generate_specs({ fg = lush.hsl(0, 0, 0) }))
musjj commented 1 year ago

My idea for backwards compatibility: in addition to colors that can be stringified, we can have a function that accepts a dependency table. Of course there should be a helper to make it easy:

local function InjectableColors()
  return setmetatable({}, {
    __index = function(_, key)
      return function(deps) return deps[key] end

local colors = InjectableColors()

local parsed = lush(function()
  return {
    HighlightA = colors.blue, -- function that can accept a dependency later on
    HighlightB = hsl("#dadada"), -- can be stringified directly

lush(parsed) -- errors, because dependency is still missing

parsed.inject { blue = hsl("#3238a8") } -- associate this table as a dependency for this spec
lush(parsed) -- injectable color objects will now be resolved here using the table above

parsed.inject { blue = hsl("#16c4f7") } -- re-injection is possible

What do you think of this workflow?