rlabrecque / Steamworks.NET

Steamworks wrapper for Unity / C#
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Struggling with Master Server. #390

Open djarcas opened 3 years ago

djarcas commented 3 years ago

My issue appears similar to this necro:


The code is mostly working - I can ask for the servers and I get a list of them back, however, the CSteamID of the server is 0 (something I would expect if the server was dedicated, I believe? Been unable to find any docs one way or the other. I'm unsure why Steam would think it was dedicated.). Because the CSteamID is 0, I have to try and ping the server to get it's IP and Port, and it never responds.

If I look on the steam online check, I get:

{"response":{"success":true,"servers":[{"addr":"","gmsindex":-1,"message":"Listed as official server for app in CDDB","appid":1209390,"gamedir":"Sneaky Spaceships","region":-1,"secure":false,"lan":false,"gameport":27015,"specport":0}]}}

If I use the Steam server browser, it's there on the LAN, with the correct name/map/etc.

If I use the Steam Internet browser, however, it doesn't show up.

Been tearing my hair out a little over this, as I've had it all working in the past. The Dedicated Game Servers Information of https://partner.steamgames.com/apps/dedicatedservers/1209390 appears to be correct - I believe having even a single character different there can cause it not to show up?

I'm also calling both GameServer and SteamAPI RunCallBacks.

Any help at all gratefully received.

JamieShelley commented 3 years ago

Did you get a solution to this? I get the same result using Facepunch wrapper:


I can work perfectly fine on lan. And ping the IP address. But (even with port forwarding enabled) I can't see the ports accessible or my tester able to connect. Very frustrating! A suspicion I had was that the appid used is the '480' spacewar for testing. But clearly that can't be the case as you have a unique appId.