Anybody who is interested in using R in conjunction with other programming languages or tools (C++, Python, Javascript/d3, Power BI, SQL) or is using other languages and want to know if R can be added to their workflow.
Why is this important?
R, while awesome, is even more awesome with other programming languages.
What should be covered?
I imagine this would be a series of speakers talking about how they use R and other languages together.
PolygRot: Using R and other programming languages
Who is the audience?
Anybody who is interested in using R in conjunction with other programming languages or tools (C++, Python, Javascript/d3, Power BI, SQL) or is using other languages and want to know if R can be added to their workflow.
Why is this important?
R, while awesome, is even more awesome with other programming languages.
What should be covered?
I imagine this would be a series of speakers talking about how they use R and other languages together.
Suggested speakers or contributors
Not sure... would have to put a call out.
Resources you would recommend to the audience
reticulate package Rcpp package r2d3 package sqldf package?