rladies-seattle / rladies-seattle-organizing

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Beautify your R outputs #29

Closed kdillmcfarland closed 5 months ago

kdillmcfarland commented 8 months ago

Beautify your R outputs

Attendees bring code that they want to improve. We provide experts in key R packages to help small groups beautify their code and resulting outputs. Proposed joint event with useR Seattle (because it was their idea :) )

Who is the audience?

All levels of R users. Most of interest to intermediate R users who want to grow their skills

Why is this important?

RLadies requested more intermediate and advanced workshops. This allows us to cover several topics and spreads out the workload of developing materials. Plus Rmarkdown/Quarto and ggplot are commonly asked for workshop topics.

What should be covered?

gt, ggplot2, Quarto, plotly, Shiny. Looking for more ideas here!

Suggested speakers or contributors

Ellis Hughes (gt), Kim Dill-McFarland (ggplot)

Resources you would recommend to the audience

Need to bring their own code/example to work on

kdillmcfarland commented 5 months ago

Completed Feb 2024. Collab is useR! Seattle https://www.meetup.com/rladies-seattle/events/298668581/