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Activities - Coordinates by the Global Team #228

Open yabellini opened 11 months ago

yabellini commented 11 months ago

I think we need to add some information about all the task we do, even if some of them are more internal process. This will help people to realize all the work behind the scene that happened in an organization of this size.

For now, I think we should link to the Organizers Guide, we mention it (at the end of the page), but there is no link in the text: https://rladies.org/activities/gt-coordinated/

cosimameyer commented 11 months ago

That sounds good!

Just one thought: I’d keep the description at an abstract level (tasks may change and adding too many details may also overwhelm the reader).

shannonpileggi commented 11 months ago

i have some rough documentation in an internal doc from when we were recruiting, i can dig up and share

shannonpileggi commented 11 months ago

Here is what I have - some may need to be iterated on or gaps need to be filled or possibly additional roles defined. Happy to help further!

Leadership Finances, operational & infrastructure management, strategic planning, reporting & documentation. Representing R-Ladies on the RConsortium ISC board.
YouTube Respond to form requests to add a video or managers to the global YouTube channel.
Website Maintenance / further development of the website. Review potential translations coming in, review json files added / updated. Should be unafraid to want to learn about Hugo & Github Actions.
CoC enforcement Recieve, review a solve CoC reports. Periodically revise CoC and process. Support organizers and moderators and help them to create and mantain a safe and friendly space
Community slack management Monitor Slack for any content that is inappropriate and needs to be removed, ensure that no bots or individuals spamming the channel have access.
RUGS grant administration
Blog administration Recruit, review and support guest bloggers. Guests are welcome to cross-post to their own blogs.
Abstract Review System
RoCur Twitter Account Nominate, onboard, and support curators.
Onboarding Make sure the city does not have a chapter yet, send information on how to get a new chapter, invite prospective organizers to the R-Ladies Community Slack,and add prospective chapter to the current-chapters.csv file
Chapter Mentoring Help organizers create or reactivate a chapter. Create a list of potential mnetors and mentees by advertizing the program. Match mentees to their mentors following their linguistic, geographical preferences, and desired topics. Regular follow-up mentorships to provide mediation/solutions for any concerns and make sure that confidentiality and guidelines are respected.
Directory managment Review and approve new R-Ladies Global directory entries to be posted on the website
Meetup Pro Create new chapters on Meetup
Chapter Activity The goal of tracking chapter activity is to identify inactive chapters and help them to get started. If nothing can be done for a particular chapter, the chapter should be retired within 9months/1 year of inactivity.
Conferences liaison and Metameetups Conferences: Be part of organizers committe. Conect with our review network for the call for papers. Use R-Ladies network to find people for the organizers commitee, keynote speakers, program and scientific commitee, made the introductions/invitations. (I use the directory here). Help with the social gathering and the R-Ladies one.

Metameetup: identify a topic that can be of interest of several chapters, invite them to be part, help them to organize the event together. We have two until now. One in Spanish and the other in several languages.
IWD Campaign Recruit a team of people that want to do this (It is a very good first ope source project). Decide what we will do for the campaing (there is a repo with ideas). Create the R scripts and material to do the campaing. Schedulle all the tweets on tweetdeck on the rladiesIWD account. Monitoring during the campaing to RT, answer, like, etc.
Educational materials
Zoom + calendly Keep an eye on the Zoom + Calendly integration for booking zoom for meetups. Help and support organisers book and set up their zoom.
E-mail management
Social Media Post regularly on social media platforms (e.g., Twitter, Mastodon, LinkedIn, etc.) and create a regular newletter
Regional representatives
RConsortium ISC board Attend and Participate monthly meeting. Report R-Ladies activities. Create and sent R-Ladies anual budgget. Help with the RConsortium blog post. Help on communications of the grant call and grant RUGs call. Review the call for grants, review at least two proposals. Attend special meeting for review (one pre-review, one after review to final choose). There are two call each year. Follow at least one of the project on their execution.
shannonpileggi commented 11 months ago

oh the more complete list is here:
