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anchoring to the directory entries no longer works #242

Open drmowinckels opened 11 months ago

drmowinckels commented 11 months ago

I'm not sure why. Maybe it takes too long to populate?

Anyway, if we cannot anchor to the entires, I no longer feel we can use Hugo data templates for the directory. I think its super important that people can actually link to a specific entry.

To do that, we'll need to alter the entire way the directory works, meaning changes to the website and the private directory repo. My idea would be to treat the directory as content/directory, and have each person be their own page. I think we can use page bundles and have each entry look something like this:


I am super cool and love R. My cat is awesome and so is my wife.

 with this format, the hugo template for the cards should not substantially change, the json and yaml keys should be indexed mych the same way as long as the source data is linked to correctly.  
drmowinckels commented 5 months ago

I'd love input on this from @rladies/website . Its a big undertaking. If we do this, we'd need to

  1. change the current directory content from json to yaml
  2. change R airtable script in the directory to create yaml in stead of json ** (or can we be lazy and implement a json to yaml conversion)
  3. change the directory layout to use {{ Params }} in stead of hugo data