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press page on the new website? #5

Closed maelle closed 2 years ago

maelle commented 4 years ago

@Athanasiamo @yabellini do you think https://github.com/rladies/resources/tree/master/rladies-in-the-news could be stored in the new website and appear as e.g. a table using Hugo data templates?

yabellini commented 4 years ago

I think it's a good idea.

We also could comment about this section in organizer Slack so that more people can add press notes if they have some.

maelle commented 4 years ago

especially as if we have a pretty page to show, people might be more motivated to contribute

drmowinckels commented 3 years ago

This is an excellent idea. We should absolutely incorporate this. I'm with @maelle that hugo data templates are ideal candidates for this

drmowinckels commented 2 years ago

Hi @maelle, @yabellini and @ChrisZasa !

How about we add this as a blog-type list in the new website, rather than relying on json data and hugo tempaltes? I'm just thinking that would be a convenient way to organise by dates etc.

drmowinckels commented 2 years ago

How about something like this! https://pensive-babbage-969fad.netlify.app/activities/press/

yabellini commented 2 years ago

I like it. We should add some title describig this are interview to R-Ladies or R-Ladies notes in newspapers?

drmowinckels commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I added a little text: https://pensive-babbage-969fad.netlify.app/activities/press/

yabellini commented 2 years ago

Hermoso, nice!!

drmowinckels commented 2 years ago

yhsnk you @yabellini ! I think its super neat, and hope the yaml md format is more convenient for people to contribute to than for instance, json

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