rlamasb / Firebase.Xamarin

Light weight wrapper for Firebase Realtime Database REST API.
MIT License
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PutAsync vs PostAsync #16

Open tyrtok opened 7 years ago

tyrtok commented 7 years ago

hi. im current fiddling with putasync vs postasync and have some issues with it.

it seems like... postAsync() > adding a new obj into firebase and return a obj putAsync() > add/update obj and return void.

can I check how do I know if a new data is inserted/updated using putAsync()? -data inserted new can return a obj like postAsync()?
-return some kind of value is show if data is inserted or updated?

updates: on a side note, i cant seem to be able to find OrderByKey() in the xamarin studio's 'intellisense'. any idea how to implement it?