Open Ramonzo opened 7 years ago
I try to login my users with email and password, I do this for get my user and it's works for now:
options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder() .SetStorageBucket("") .SetApplicationId("") .SetApiKey("") .SetDatabaseUrl("") .SetGcmSenderId("") .Build(); app = FirebaseApp.InitializeApp(Android.App.Application.Context, options); authProvider = new FirebaseAuthProvider(new FirebaseConfig(options.ApiKey)); firebaseAuth = await authProvider.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(e, p); name.Text = firebaseAuth.User.DisplayName;
But, how I persist this user for get the name or other infos in other page? And the mostly important, how I can close my app and verify if my user is logged when I open again? I using Xamarin.Forms in Cross Platform PS. I hide the options infos.
I try to login my users with email and password, I do this for get my user and it's works for now:
But, how I persist this user for get the name or other infos in other page? And the mostly important, how I can close my app and verify if my user is logged when I open again? I using Xamarin.Forms in Cross Platform PS. I hide the options infos.