rlamasb / Firebase.Xamarin

Light weight wrapper for Firebase Realtime Database REST API.
MIT License
149 stars 39 forks source link

Duplicate #40

Open codegrue opened 6 years ago

codegrue commented 6 years ago

Is this project redundant to this one? Their API seems almost identical.


thesultanster commented 6 years ago

This repo is a combination of multiple repos that use Firebase for C#. On the bottom of the ReadMe you will see @rlamasb giving credit to all the repos they used.

codegrue commented 6 years ago

So is this a kind of "best of"? I'm thinking of switching as I'm struggling to get the other one to work with Xamarin. A few samples would be really helpful. Does anyone have any, specifically Offline and Realtime?

thesultanster commented 6 years ago

Good luck. I switched to Azure because of limited support from Firebase. A Google employee told me no one there is currently working on a c# library.

codegrue commented 6 years ago

I am in the process of switching from Azure. :( There is so much ceremony in building a WebAPI layer (even with Azure Mobile App SDK) and it doesn't do realtime sync, which is the big deficiency for me. Cosmos DB doesn't do offline. So the only two hosted solutions I have found that do realtime and offline are Firebase and AWS AppSync, and neither have .Net SDKs. I'm also looking at Couchbase and Realm for an enterprise deployment, and both are great, but too costly for a hobbyist project (mainly because you have to pay for a VM to host them which can add up fast). Would love to hear from anyone willing to share lessons learned in this space.

codegrue commented 6 years ago

I want to add another issue I have with the Azure Mobile App SDK is the backend has not been ported to .Net Core even though the dependencies have been ready for a year, and there doesn't seem to be any development being invested in it. This also feels like abandonware to me.