rlegendi / specs2-runner

Specs2 extension for the ScalaTest plug-in for ScalaIDE
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Unresolved Dependency for scalatest-finders and spec-runner #1

Closed MasseGuillaume closed 12 years ago

MasseGuillaume commented 12 years ago


package [...] unresolved dependency: org.scalatest#scalatest-finders_2.9.1;1.0.1: not found

"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest-finders" % "1.0.1", "org.scalatest" %% "spec-runner" % "0.2.0",

I think this is because you look directly in you local maven directory resolvers += "Local Maven Repository" at Path.userHome.asURL + "/.m2/repository"

rlegendi commented 12 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out!

I have extended the readme on how to integrate the specs2-runner project with the Scala IDE installation that contains the ScalaTest plugin. Unfortunately, it is a bit of work at the moment, but hopefully for the end of the summer it will be 2 clicks :-)

The scalatest-finders project must be built manually. This section of the readme now points to a thread on the scala-ide-dev mailing list that describes the steps to get the latest version.

If you have any further comments, I'm more than happy to hear them! And thanks again for the report.