rlesniak / tind3r.com

Front end of tind3r.com
MIT License
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Last Active No Longer Accurate #1

Closed swjurgens closed 7 years ago

swjurgens commented 7 years ago

Last active stopped working and displays a date that is over 2 years ago. I noticed on Tinder Reddit someone had posted this:

I noticed while running one of my scripts that the web api was change to name the "ping_time" property "last_activity_date", so unless they bring back "ping_time" old versions of tinder won't display latest activity. Of course 3rd party app devs can just update their code.

Is this something you'll be able to get updated on Tind3r?

rlesniak commented 7 years ago

Key ping_time has fixed date to: 2014-12-09T00:00:00.000Z. So what we can do is to have hope that they will bring it back to work.