rlewicki / AdvancedSightSupport

This is a repository for tracking bug reports, feature requests and general support for Advanced Sight plugin for Unreal Engine 5
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Open Styx2592 opened 2 days ago

Styx2592 commented 2 days ago

Greetings! I has asked you in the unreal questions before about to implement the interface at your own, because i already has a parent for my character thats also a c++ class. You answered me, but you told me a way but i dont has a cpp project and i also cant programm c++. So i need a way to implement the interface in a blueprint only project. My character parent class is also needed because i use an other c++ asset for my characters. But i dont have any experience with that.

Is that possible? Than i would buy your system direclty :D

rlewicki commented 1 day ago

Hi @Styx2592 thanks for reaching out! Before I can help you the main question is whether you are able to compile C++ code on your own? I'm asking because even though I can guide you how to update the code, in the end you will need to build your own binaries. This means you need to have a Visual Studio installed on your PC etc.

Let me know if this is something you can do, and if not whether you are willing to do so, I can then help you figure it out.

Styx2592 commented 1 day ago

No, i dont have experience with compliling and i dont have visual studio etc on my computer.

Is that the only way to implement your code?

rlewicki commented 1 day ago

Unfortunately this is how this works. Just updating the code isn't going to change anything in the editor because the code after a change is made needs to be compiled. This is why plugins from marketplace are distributed with binaries (they are inside plugin's folder, inside Binaries directory).

This means that I can help you with writing the code, but since you also depend on another plugin that I don't have access to, this means I cannot help you with providing binaries.

The only solution is to avoid editing code at all or compiling your code changes.

Now that I think about it I might also implement my own interface that would allow doing so in blueprints instead requiring C++ compilation but that would take me few days to do so, and I will also have to be cautious to ensure I don't break any existing logic for other users.

Styx2592 commented 1 day ago

That would be great! I can definitely wait a few days. I think there are many assets like locomotion or combat frameworks that run on cpp and therefore many potential customers get similar problems. That would certainly help your product and I could definitely use it.

Would you make these customizations?

rlewicki commented 1 day ago

Yes, I will try and implement in this week or next week latest. Will update you as soon as it's available.