rlewicki / MeleeTrace

Unreal Engine plugin that enables user to accurately trace melee hits in the game using interpolation between sockets defined directly on the character or weapon mesh.
MIT License
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Editor errors, property is not initialized properly. #15

Closed bibCorp closed 1 month ago

bibCorp commented 2 months ago

Hey, love the plugin and it's working well for us, but we are getting some editor errors:

Screenshot 2024-04-29 112055

The plugin seems to work just fine despite this, but I would love to hear if you are familiar with this.

We are using UE 5.3.2, and our project is based on Lyra where our own game is implemented as a Modular Game Feature (which can always cause extra issues).

rlewicki commented 2 months ago

Hey @bibCorp thank you very much for reporting the issue. These errors are indeed harmless in most cases as all it's complaining about is that there is no default value assigned for some properties inside some structures but in this case those properties are also structs that already have reasonable default values.

Nevertheless, this is certainly something that should be addressed. I will try to have a look at it tonight and will let you know once I have an update on that.

rlewicki commented 2 months ago

@bibCorp I've pushed a fix for this issue. Seeing screenshot from the first post I assume you are building your own binaries right? If that's the case you can just grab the latest version of this repo in a zip file and replace Source directory. I will not then be publishing new release version as it's quite tidious to prepare binaries for all supported Unreal versions. Let me know if that works for you!

bibCorp commented 2 months ago

@rlewicki thank you for taking care of it so quickly!

rlewicki commented 1 month ago

No problem at all. Let me know if this fix works for you; if yes I'll close the issue

bibCorp commented 1 month ago

Yes it works! Thanks

rlewicki commented 1 month ago

Thanks for letting me know!