rlewicki / MeleeTrace

Unreal Engine plugin that enables user to accurately trace melee hits in the game using interpolation between sockets defined directly on the character or weapon mesh.
MIT License
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Filter unwanted mesh sockets #16

Open Lopyl14 opened 3 weeks ago

Lopyl14 commented 3 weeks ago

Hey. Same question as I posted on the marketplace, but I thought you want prefere it here. I just have one question about one of its core feature. "Due to the fact that the system is scanning for a first matching skeletal mesh where defined sockets exist (etc...)". The system scans for the sockets we want to use without us having to do anything. Which means, if I have a duplicate of a weapon (Like, if i'm dual wielding the SAME source sword mesh), it's impossible for the system to know I want to use the sockets from the left hand sword, or the right hand sword. I understand that a workaround would be to have two different source meshes, as so : RightHandSourceSword with RightSockets, and LeftHandSourceSword with left sockets. This is a shame though, as there is no way (to my knowledge) to just have two different instances of the same source mesh, only with different sockets. You also can't use the "remove sockets" built-in unreal, as it removes sockets from the source mesh, not just from your current copy. So here's my question : Is there a way to implement an actor filter to filter out unwanted meshes before the socket scan without modifying the plugin itself ? If not, I guess it would be a cool feature in the future, as it would make any kind of multi-wielding much easier to setup ! Cheers

rlewicki commented 3 weeks ago

Hi! First of all, thanks for reaching out here, I appreciate it. 

I have encountered the problem you are describing in the past and in fact I have described this use case in the wiki: https://github.com/rlewicki/MeleeTrace/wiki#double-sword-attack

This is the only solution I can suggest for now. I’ll have a think about your proposed solution and will come back to you with any updates.

Cheers, Robert

2.06.2024 o 05:19 od @.***:

Hey. Same question as I posted on the marketplace, but I thought you want prefere it here. I just have one question about one of its core feature. "Due to the fact that the system is scanning for a first matching skeletal mesh where defined sockets exist (etc...)". The system scans for the sockets we want to use without us having to do anything. Which means, if I have a duplicate of a weapon (Like, if i'm dual wielding the SAME source sword mesh), it's impossible for the system to know I want to use the sockets from the left hand sword, or the right hand sword. I understand that a workaround would be to have two different source meshes, as so : RightHandSourceSword with RightSockets, and LeftHandSourceSword with left sockets. This is a shame though, as there is no way (to my knowledge) to just have two different instances of the same source mesh, only with different sockets. You also can't use the "remove sockets" built-in unreal, as it removes sockets from the source mesh, not just from your current copy. So here's my question : Is there a way to implement an actor filter to filter out unwanted meshes before the socket scan without modifying the plugin itself ? If not, I guess it would be a cool feature in the future, as it would make any kind of multi-wielding much easier to setup ! Cheers

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