rlewicki / MeleeTrace

Unreal Engine plugin that enables user to accurately trace melee hits in the game using interpolation between sockets defined directly on the character or weapon mesh.
MIT License
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For `OnTraceHit`, `OnTraceStarted`, `OnTraceEnded`, send the HashID of the ActiveMeleeTrace that broadcasted the delegate #17

Open E3245 opened 1 week ago

E3245 commented 1 week ago

Hello again! I was wondering if the following delegates could also broadcast the TraceHash of the Active Trace that triggered it? Would be useful for whenever you have to manually call StartTrace and EndTrace without a context.

My use case is that I need to figure out the correct FGameplayTag to send to a GameplayTask when a trace has a hit result and I need to identify if the hit was from a light attack, heavy attack, etc.

rlewicki commented 1 week ago

Hi, yes, absolutely, sending this as a parameter to a delegate make total sense. I have some time right now so will submit the change in a few minutes, this should be pretty fast.

rlewicki commented 1 week ago

@E3245 I just published new release with a change addressing your issue. Let me know if this works fine for you!