rlewicki / MeleeTrace

Unreal Engine plugin that enables user to accurately trace melee hits in the game using interpolation between sockets defined directly on the character or weapon mesh.
MIT License
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Is always collide with "CapsuleComponent ("CollisionCylinder") "? #3

Closed Yukkitio closed 1 month ago

Yukkitio commented 8 months ago

I want to make your system dynamic by having a good hitbox system but the system actually trigger a hit when i collide with that but i want to make it collide not on that but on other Capsule Collision (like on the head socket) so he need to not beeing trigger when hitting the Capsule Component. image image (2)

Can you help me with that ? ^^' thanks a lot for this plugin !

rlewicki commented 8 months ago

Hey @Yukkitio, if you want the trace to be detected on specific components, the best way to do that would be to create a new trace channel in project settings and then use it in the Melee Trace Settings tab (https://github.com/rlewicki/MeleeTrace/wiki#project-settings). In your case, I'd recommend setting default response to the trace channel to Ignore and then for every component you want the trace to collide with, change the response to Block.

Hope this helps, let me know if you need further help!

Yukkitio commented 8 months ago

Sorry i don't understand how i could do it cause in project setting there is no Ignore.


Or In my Dummy BP ? I'm still learning BP ^^'

rlewicki commented 8 months ago

You need to search for Collision under Engine category. There you can create new trace channel. For more information on how collision channels work please refer to the engine docs: https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/InteractiveExperiences/Tracing/Overview/


sethseth2 commented 6 months ago

Piggybacking here ~

So to clarify - I have made a collision channel for all of my abilities (projectiles, etc., that need to overlap with enemies hit boxes - not their skeletal meshes). I should make a separate channel specific to the Melee Trace, and then customize the settings of that channel to only interact with the hitbox's collision channel? 🤔

Will the hit events occur on overlap or only on Block?

rlewicki commented 6 months ago

Hey @sethseth2. I'd say it's the other way around. So if you want to have a full control over what the trace is detecting I would suggest the following:

  1. Go to project settings, collision and create new trace channel, call it e.g. Melee or MeleeTrace. Set it's default response to Ignore.
  2. Now unfold the Presets and open the ones you are interested in and modify them to Block the Melee trace channel.
  3. If you have new type of objects like bullets or abilities you can create new preset for each of them and set collision to Block.

Answering second question - only blocking is detected as overlapping only affects physics, it does not affect tracing (unless you specifically trace for overlaps which is possible).

Hope this helps you a bit, in case of further questions please don't hesitate to ask!