rlewkowicz / docker-mediawiki-stack

Mediawiki Compose Stack
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Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: /usr/bin/convert: No such file or directory #10

Closed sjmoran closed 6 years ago

sjmoran commented 7 years ago

Imagemagick is not installed when using the docker-mediawiki-stack distribution.

rlewkowicz commented 7 years ago

I think that is correct. Images still work because I have like open jpeg and open png or what ever it is. I feel like it was a pain to add imagemagick to the install for what ever reason. I'll dig into it. I'll try to have it added by the end of the week.

sjmoran commented 7 years ago

That's great, thank you!

rlewkowicz commented 7 years ago

Didn't forget about this, will try to get to it today

sjmoran commented 7 years ago


rlewkowicz commented 7 years ago

Still have not forgotten. I made the change to my jenkins file but I'm running into an issue where the containers cannot resolve DNS. I think this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24151129/docker-network-calls-fail-during-image-build-on-corporate-network/42332682#42332682 Is my resolution. Problem: I've not touched any of this in months and just moved across the country. I think I locked down that server to the public ip of my old job. So now I gotta try to console in, but! when you reset your digital ocean password, they email to you. The email address I have on account there is a google apps email that I didn't renew so I now I gotta pay for it to get it back and the whole thing has just been a cascade of fun.

There is however a work around that I should have mentioned earlier but I did not think this would take so long. Pull this repo:


run update.sh 7.1 I think. It might just be update.sh 7. Then inside of the numbered folders you have a docker file. You can then just do I think its like docker build . and you've got your container.

@sjmoran ^