rlewkowicz / docker-mediawiki-stack

Mediawiki Compose Stack
39 stars 16 forks source link

how to contribute #5

Closed danyill closed 6 years ago

danyill commented 7 years ago


Thanks for the phab response on Mediawiki and docker. I've spent some time doing the same thing -- but more clumsily.

I have quite modest git, docker, mediawiki and jenkins skills but I've set myself the task of putting together a build which meets my requirements in about 5 days ;-)

I've cloned your git repositories and will work through creating Jenkins builds for the same pointing towards remarkably similar docker images. Then I need to try and augment to meet my own needs. If I feel there are items that might be of upstream value should I log issues or submit a pull request or let you cherry pick if interested? I think a PR might be a problem given that we're not pointing at the same container/build infrastructure.

Currently the to-do list is something like:

  1. Get things up and running
  2. Sort out caching
  3. Add Elasticsearch/Cirrussearch
  4. Sort out all the extensions/skins I need to migrate from my existing wiki including Semantic Mediawiki
  5. Potentially add Mathoid or Graphoid

Interested in your thoughts and appreciate you making your work openly available.

rlewkowicz commented 7 years ago
  1. Theoretically, you could just copy your current mysql folder into place on top of the mysql folder. I use the mariadb image, it is a drop in replacement for mysql. I think the image I have is equivalent to mysql 5.6. Then drop your mediawiki install on top of distributionfiles/mwcore/mediawiki. It may just work (minus like changing the host for mysql, nginx has a default host and will answer to anything).

  2. If that's PHP extensions I well most def add them. The idea behind this php image is just to be this huge monolithic image that is just got everything you could imagine compiled in. I know that's kinda gross, but it's supposed to make the end user experience super plug and play. As for non standard plugins, I think VE is the only one I'll add (thats not set in stone though). Ideally you have a php image that can support any plugin you could ever want and then you deploy this as a core wrapped by like a deployment system. At my work this is the core to our chef cookbook. Idk how far you are into deployment frameworks, but for smaller deployments you got chef-solo, capistrano, and ansible I think are the popular ones.

I hope some of this helps!

I'm leaving this open for now cause this is an interesting question. How to you manage contributions to a fairly scattered project without launching a framework like phabricator?