rli012 / GDCRNATools

GDCRNATools: an R/Bioconductor package for integrative analysis of lncRNA, miRNA and mRNA data in GDC
Apache License 2.0
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gdcParseMetadata() returns no output #19

Open qiongl-CTDS opened 2 years ago

qiongl-CTDS commented 2 years ago

I was trying to follow the instruction by running the step of paring metadata of RNA files of TCGA-CHOL project. And it returned no output. However, the query of miRNAs one worked.

> metaMatrix.RNA <- gdcParseMetadata(project.id = 'TCGA-CHOL',
                                   data.type  = 'RNAseq', 
                                   write.meta = FALSE)
> metaMatrix.RNA
 [1] file_name              file_id                patient               
 [4] sample                 submitter_id           entity_submitter_id   
 [7] sample_type            gender                 age_at_diagnosis      
[10] tumor_stage            tumor_grade            days_to_death         
[13] days_to_last_follow_up vital_status           project_id            
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Can you please look into this issue? Thanks!

404563471 commented 12 months ago

I used the latest version package 1.20.0 and it worked.