rljacobson / Levenshtein

A Blazingly Fast Damerau–Levenshtein Edit Distance Function (UDF) for MySQL
MIT License
23 stars 3 forks source link

Benchmark against alternative implementations #4

Open rljacobson opened 5 years ago

rljacobson commented 5 years ago

Claims of "blazingly fast" should be backed up with publicly reproducible data. My private benchmarks have Frederik Hertzum's Iosovitch 2X faster than the next fastest implementation, and my addition of some standard mathematical optimizations improved it by another 2X.

A new branch should be created to contain reproducible benchmark code for a variety of common implementations, including the implementation found in python-Levenshtein, and the Levenshtein automata implementation in fst (a rust implementation).

arhyneRWU commented 7 months ago

Done in my pull request.