rllab-snu / TopologicalSemanticGraphMemory

Topological Semantic Graph Memory for Image Goal Navigation (CoRL 2022 oral)
MIT License
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Demo notebook code causes segmentation fault #16

Closed mlodel closed 10 months ago

mlodel commented 10 months ago

I am trying to run the code in demo/build_tsgm_demo.ipynb to understand the basic workings of your framework. However, the line sim = habitat_sim.Simulator(cfg) causes a 125666 segmentation fault (core dumped). I checked that the gibson scene loaded in settings["scene"] exists, and double checked all dependencies for habitat-sim (even built it from source). The issue has persistent when trying to reproduce the entire setup in a docker both for conda-installed and source-built habitat-sim, so the issue is likely in the code.

I see that the make_cfg function is not used in any of the other scripts. Is there a chance that some part of how the simulator is created in the demo notebook is not consistent anymore, that has been updated in the meantime? Or did you encounter such problems in the past? It's hard to debug the segmentation fault, I will try that later.

Thank you for any help!

bareblackfoot commented 10 months ago

Hello, Thanks for your interest in our work :). I think habitat version is mismatched. please downgrade the habitat version. Thanks

mlodel commented 10 months ago

@bareblackfoot Thanks for the response! I installed the habitat version 0.2.1 for sim and lab. Do I need a different version for the demo notebook?