rlp1938 / Crypt

Experimental encryption, likely not very good.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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encyption could use an IV #1

Open gim opened 9 years ago

gim commented 9 years ago

Stream ciphers are vulnerable to attacks when a key is used to encrypt multiple streams of data. To mitigate this an IV (initialisation vector, eg one block of random bits) could be prepended to the input data. This would lose the nice reversible encryption property but reduce one attack area.

More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stream_cipher_attack http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization_vector

rlp1938 commented 9 years ago

Have taken a bit of time to study the issue. It's already not quite reversible because I expect to use as encrypt once with source file deletion and decrypt often without the source file deletion. While I would never reuse a pass-phrase on different targets, it will be much safer to use an IV. Will do it that way.

rlp1938 commented 9 years ago

Now using a 16 byte ascii representation of time() as an IV. Safe to re-use pass-phrases but now the -d option must be selected when the intention is to decrypt a previously encrypted file.

gim commented 9 years ago

I would recommend a scheme which guarantees each bit in the IV may be set. Either a strong source of randomness or at least passing something through a hash function.

Note: Please research whatever I've suggested; I am not a cryptographer.

rlp1938 commented 9 years ago

At first I thought to defend the use of time() because my experiments generating sha256sums a second or so apart yielded completely different sums. Not surprising because message digests are designed to do just that. But it is just as easy to grab 8 bytes from /dev/random so I'll change the program to do just that. I'll use those bytes as is, not convert to hex.

"Using a hex representation reduces the IV entropy greatly. eg, the most significant bit is never set." That's the weakness of my entire system not just the IV. It affects the entire one time pad. I will look to encrypt with the 32 byte result buffer without the hex conversion.

I'm no cryptographer either. The itch I wanted to scratch is the fact that gpg is unscriptable. I will replace my attempt finally with RC5 or similar because the source code is published. That will be some time down the road after I have finished some more options.