Some algorithmic choices should actually be user controllable, for example the number of iterative refinement steps, or the kind of multiplication should use full or fft mode. Looking ahead, a lot more options can be expected:
truncation tolerance
solver choice (fast/superfast)
regularization eps for LDU
The option mechanism should supprt both global and local influence. Nice syntax ideas:
global_opt = TLMat.getopts % Global option set, modifiable from outside
TLMat.opt.num_iterref = 1; % Global setting for all TLMat objects
T = tleye(8);
local_opt = T.getopts % Option set pertaining to T
T.opt.num_iterref = 0; % Local setting overrides global one
Some algorithmic choices should actually be user controllable, for example the number of iterative refinement steps, or the kind of multiplication should use full or fft mode. Looking ahead, a lot more options can be expected:
The option mechanism should supprt both global and local influence. Nice syntax ideas: