rluiten / elm-date-extra

Elm Date Extra library add/subtract/diff/format etc dates
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
75 stars 36 forks source link

French localization 24h #53

Closed FabienHenon closed 7 years ago

FabienHenon commented 7 years ago


First, thank you for this great package!

I used the french (from France fr_fr) locale to display my date and times but there is a little error in the format: french times are displayed on 24 hours without AM/PM.

rluiten commented 7 years ago

What format string are you using and what is the expected result verse the actual result you receive ?

Here is an example on Ellie that might make it easier for you to provide an example. https://ellie-app.com/47J5ZYs396Fa1/4

In my timezone the result is.

1 => Hour(24): 22 Hour(12): 10 Suffix: [PM] offset: +1000 2 => Hour(24): 01 Hour(12): 01 Suffix: [AM] offset: +1000

rluiten commented 7 years ago

I just reread your description and maybe you are saying the defaults for french you don't believe are accurate ?

The file Config_fr_fr.elm defines the standard formats. This is the current values of the format strings.

format =
        { date = "%-d/%m/%Y" -- d/MM/yyyy
        , longDate = "%A, %-d %B %Y" -- dddd, d MMMM yyyy
        , time = "%-I:%M %p" -- h:mm tt
        , longTime = "%-I:%M:%S %p" -- h:mm:ss tt
        , dateTime = "%-d/%m/%Y %-I:%M %p" -- date + time
        , firstDayOfWeek = Date.Mon
FabienHenon commented 7 years ago

Sorry for my late answer.

Yes, the defaults are not correct. Here is my updated version (note that I couldn't access the Default module for the twelveHourPeriod variable):

frenchConfig : Config.Config
frenchConfig =
    { i18n =
        { dayShort = French.dayShort
        , dayName = French.dayName
        , monthShort = French.monthShort
        , monthName = French.monthName
        , dayOfMonthWithSuffix = French.dayOfMonthWithSuffix
        , twelveHourPeriod = (\a -> "")
    , format =
        { date =
            -- d/MM/yyyy
        , longDate =
            "%A, %-d %B %Y"
            -- dddd, d MMMM yyyy
        , time =
            -- h:mm tt
        , longTime =
            -- h:mm:ss tt
        , dateTime =
            "%-d/%m/%Y %-H:%M"
            -- date + time
        , firstDayOfWeek = Date.Mon

As you can see, I'm using %H for hours and not %I and I don't use %P any more because in France we only use 24h format ;)

By the way, what is the - (hyphen) used for between % and the format letter?

rluiten commented 7 years ago

The doc for the formatting codes is at https://github.com/rluiten/elm-date-extra/blob/master/DocFormat.md.

The link to DocFormat use to work on elm site but I dont think it works anymore elm, I will look at correcting that with this update.

The - prefix means the the number is output as 1 or 2 digits, no padding zeros to always make it 2 digits.

Just checked Moment.js french format and they use 2 digits for hours, so I'll modify that as well.

rluiten commented 7 years ago

The updated french config is published in 9.1.2.