rly / linkml-arrays-paper

Perspective Paper on LinkML Arrays
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Using MyST and Curvenote #1

Open rly opened 3 months ago

rly commented 3 months ago

@sneakers-the-rat - You suggested writing in MyST and using Curvenote. Writing in MyST sounds great. What aspect of Curvenote were you thinking?

There is Curvenote the platform which supports collaborative editing and commenting (no suggestion mode or track changes diff though), publishing as a website, and exporting to LaTeX, but it seems like the raw MyST document is stored on their servers. There does not seem to be a way to connect the CurveNote platform to a raw MyST document stored in a personal GitHub account.

There is Curvenote the editor which is locally installable and which we can use to edit MyST documents in this repo. I think collaborative editing and commenting would be limited to git commits, merges, and pull requests. Maybe comments could also be synced through git? I can't tell. There is also a GitHub Action that publishes the MyST doc to Curvenote as a website, but I think that is a one-way export. I imagine the local editor and other CLI tools support exporting to LaTeX.

How were you thinking of using Curvenote and doing collaborative editing on MyST docs? I am fine with either.

rly commented 2 months ago

Look into https://manubot.org/ as well - github actions can convert the markdown into a pdf

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 months ago

I was just thinking of some live-editable platform that we could use in addition to the base markdown :). here one sec i'll get the paper set up and we can see how we like it

sneakers-the-rat commented 2 months ago

In trying to get the initial structure sorted in init-myst i ran into a bunch of weird awkward pieces trying to get it to build for both web and PDF - needing to set metadata in multiple places, not being able to set root directory, etc.

I might as well try and PR fixes upstream as we go, and we will probably want to customize the build process a bit when making web vs PDF, but for now i think this'll work, at least in the sense that "if we write it in markdown in this way we won't have some catastrophic loss of work or buy ourselves an expensive refactor later"