rm-hull / luma.lcd

Python module to drive PCD8544, HT1621, ST7735, ST7567 and UC1701X-based LCDs
MIT License
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ST7567 1.8 LCD #103

Open XipoZhang opened 4 years ago

XipoZhang commented 4 years ago

Dear All:

the system cannot find the following lib. Could someone give me a hint?

  import pytest
  | from baseline_data import get_reference_data, primitives
  | from helpers import Mock, serial, call, setup_function, assert_invalid_dimensions  # noqa: F401

The ST7567 1.8 LCD is not lighted up even I wired it as exactly what the document said. How to turn on the backlight? It mentioned that GPIO18 can be used for backlight how to wire and code that?

Thanks a lot. xipo

thijstriemstra commented 4 years ago

can you share the code you're using?

XipoZhang commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your feedback. All the codes are from the the examples here. There is nothing new. I bought 3 OPEN-SMART 1.8INCH LCD ST7567. None of them has any response. So my first question now is how to light up to check whether it works?

The GPIO setup Board - GPIO Pin# (GPIO name)

GND - 09 3V3 - 01 SDI - 19 (GPIO10 SPI0-MOSI) SCK - 23(GPIO11 SP10_CLK) DC - 16(GPIO23) CS - 24(GPIO08, SPI0-CE0_N) RST - 18(GPIO24)

Could you please help me to check whether the wiring is right?