rm-hull / luma.lcd

Python module to drive PCD8544, HT1621, ST7735, ST7567 and UC1701X-based LCDs
MIT License
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Initialization on PCD8544 board for raspberry #11

Closed pevandenburie closed 7 years ago

pevandenburie commented 8 years ago

Hi there! Thanks for your lib! Maybe you'll have some highlight on my initialization issue...

I bought the PCD8544 board which can be plug very easily on the Raspi, as you can see here: https://github.com/pevandenburie/PCD8544/blob/master/PCD8544.pdf The provided C demo (wiringPi based) works well.

However, I failed use your PCD8544 python wrapper... To match the given layout: CLK = GPIO17 D/C = GPIO27 CS = GPIO22 Din = GPIO18 RST = GPIO23

I tried following initialization: LCDInit(CLK = 17, DIN = 18, DC = 27, RST = 23, LIGHT = 0, CE = 22);

I thought Light was just hardwired to 3.3V, and CE = CS.

But I got nothing on screen… Any idea on what I missed ? Many thanks!

rm-hull commented 7 years ago

I missed this issue completely - sorry for the non-reply. Did you have any luck getting it working? Please re-open if you still need assistance.

pevandenburie commented 7 years ago

No problem :-) No I failed, my guess is all LCD' PINs are not wired on the "Raspberry PCD8544 board". I wrote instead a NodeRED - Javascript wrapper over the C driver...


duchenpaul commented 5 years ago

Hi @rm-hull I am having exactly the same issue as pevandenburie, could you please advise me how to configure the pcd8544, while those pins apart from RESET and D/C are totally different as the one specify in the doc, how can I redefine pins like SCLK, SDA, and CE? Screen shield is the one he used: PCD8544.pdf

here is my pcd8544.conf file:


Thank you in advance, or any other one can help also thank you!