rm-hull / luma.lcd

Python module to drive PCD8544, HT1621, ST7735, ST7567 and UC1701X-based LCDs
MIT License
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st7735 white screen #167

Closed garghi88 closed 1 month ago

garghi88 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm using a SPI TFT Display 128x160 Pixel with a RPi3B+ and for the momento I've used the examples python scripts. Now I moved to a RPi4B. First time I wired and configured everything worked as expected, but now I'm experiencing only a white screen. If I go back to the RPi3B+ the display still works, and I'm sure it works on the RPi4 because I have a video output if I use a adafruit library. On both Pis I have a fresh installation of Raspbian OS Lite 64 bit

This is the Kernel version of the RPi4B Linux raspberrypi 6.1.19-v8+ #1637 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 14 11:11:47 GMT 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

This is the Kernel version of the RPi3B+ Linux raspberrypi 6.1.19-v8+ #1637 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 14 11:11:47 GMT 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Kyuchumimo commented 1 month ago

I have the same display running on a Raspberry Pi 4 with no problems.

2024-05-30-000142_720x480_scrot rpi4_luma_lcd