rm-hull / luma.lcd

Python module to drive PCD8544, HT1621, ST7735, ST7567 and UC1701X-based LCDs
MIT License
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raise UnsupportedPlatform error #30

Closed thijstriemstra closed 7 years ago

thijstriemstra commented 7 years ago

Raise luma.core.error.UnsupportedPlatform when GPIO access is not available.

thijstriemstra commented 7 years ago

This PR is blocked until a luma.core release is out that contains the luma.core.error.UnsupportedPlatform error.

rm-hull commented 7 years ago

Will you add luma.core>=x.y.z into setup.py ?

thijstriemstra commented 7 years ago


thijstriemstra commented 7 years ago

Can you release this @rm-hull? fixes #28