rm-hull / luma.lcd

Python module to drive PCD8544, HT1621, ST7735, ST7567 and UC1701X-based LCDs
MIT License
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Examples not working for waveshare 1,44inch lcd hat (128x128, 65k) #70

Closed LocutusOfPenguin closed 4 years ago

LocutusOfPenguin commented 5 years ago

Hi, running the examples produces strange output on the display. Strange = something like it seems to generate the picture all over again, but the pict are some sort of nonsense-pixels. Hard to explain.

I tried to use the ST7735 display driver or the conf file for it ... no success.

Using the files from waveshare works, but i would like to use this luma :-) Also other displays like SH1306 works with luma for me. So only this one is not working.

Please help. Jürgen

thijstriemstra commented 5 years ago

Can you post picture and config file?

LocutusOfPenguin commented 5 years ago

If i knew how to do it i would do (lateron), haha - i use Github for long, but never needed to add a pict ...Sorry.

The conf file, is what is inside the examples...not changed..But here y are:

--display=st7735 --interface=spi --spi-bus-speed=16000000 --gpio-reset=24 --gpio-data-command=23 --gpio-backlight=18 --width=128 --height=128 --bgr --h-offset=1 --v-offset=2 --backlight-active=high

LocutusOfPenguin commented 5 years ago

sudo python3 ./colors.py -d st7735 --height 128 -i spi Display: st7735 Interface: spi Dimensions: 128 x 128

Display is flashing white & black (each 100%)

if i use "bounce.py" its flashing alot quicker

If i use the "--config", it stays white right now (nothing happening). Its abit different to last time, i tried.

wifi4u commented 5 years ago

@LocutusOfPeng, I have a 1.8 inch Waveshare ST7735, which has 160x128 pixels. If your display is the 1.8 inch too, you might try this config, which works for me (well, most of the time, sometimes the demo doesn't display anything, restarting the demo then helps):


However, the display's backlight always stays on if GPIO18 is not at low level. No sure whether this is intented, but the GPIO port falls back to mode IN if no script is running, which causes the backlight to be turned on again after it was turned off shortly. This might be caused by an internal pull-up resistor in the display's controller, one can see that brightness is slightly increased if BL input is connected to Vcc.

LocutusOfPenguin commented 5 years ago

@wifi4u thanks! My name missing a "uin" in yr text...its useless from github to shorten 3 chars with 3 other chars, ha.

No, i use a 128x128 ...but i give it a try .... just now im very busy (and this display is no longer my main focus, right now - needed to wait too long).

Rippert commented 5 years ago

Just got my Wavshare 1.44 inch hat yesterday, and had the same problem. Went to the Waveshare wiki and looked up the schematic. It's on there(www.waveshare.com/wiki/1.44inch_LCD_HAT), and I was able to modify the st7725_128x128.conf file with the correct pinout:


All the luma.examples work fine with it using this configuration file. Maybe it could be added to the other stock configurations as st7735_128x128_WShat.conf or some such.

LocutusOfPenguin commented 4 years ago

yes, it works now very well. THANKS!

Sorry, for long delay.